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Angular CLI: Getting Started Guide

The Angular CLI is a powerful tool that makes it easy to build high quality Angular applications. With the Angular CLI, we can scaffold, develop, test, build, and deploy our Angular applications with very little efforts.

For beginners, the Angular CLI is tantamount to a few commands that help them kickstart new Angular projects quickly like ng new, ng generate, ng serve, etc. But for experts, the Angular CLI is much more than just a scaffolding tool. Rather, it’s a set of tools that can improve the productivity of your development teams, the quality, and the performance of your Angular applications.

Welcome to our blog series dedicated to the Angular CLI. The goal of this blog series is to take us from beginners to experts by teaching us everything we should know about the Angular CLI.

In this first article, we are going to take a look at the Angular CLI, the problems it solves and how to start building Angular applications with it.

What is the Angular CLI?

The Angular CLI is the official command line interface used within the Angular ecosystem. Its goal is to make it easy to build high quality Angular applications.

The Angular CLI is a complete toolkit for Angular development that provides you with a way to quickly scaffold a new project via ng new, generate code from predefined blueprints via ng generate, update existing code via ng update, and add some frameworks support to an Angular application via ng add.

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Directives, simple right? Wrong! On the outside they look simple, but even skilled Angular devs haven’t grasped every concept in this eBook.

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It also takes care of the build process of your projects (ng build), and gives you out of the box:

Thanks to the CLI, the development experience with Angular is fantastic, and getting started is easy. But, before using the Angular CLI, we will need to install it. Let’s learn how!

Installing the Angular CLI


To use the Angular CLI, you must have the latest active LTS version of Node.js—currently version 10—installed in your computer. If you don’t have Node.js installed, see instructions here.

If you are on Linux or MacOS environment, I recommend you to have a look at Node Version Manager (NVM)—a tool that makes it easy to switch between different Node.js versions on the same machine. On Windows, checkout nvm-windows.

To verify your installation of Node.js, run node -v in a terminal window and check that the displayed version is greater than 10.9.


Node.js comes with npm—Node Package Manager—that we will use to install the Angular CLI in our machine. To do so, open a terminal window and run the following command:

npm install -g @angular/cli

Once you’ve successfully installed the Angular CLI, it will be available to you as the ng executable on the command line.

To verify that you’ve correctly installed the CLI, run the following command in a terminal:

ng version

This should output the version of the Angular CLI you’ve installed as well as some other information like the version of Node.js you’re using and your current operating system.

Angular Version

We are now ready to explore the Angular CLI. Let’s get started!

Hello Angular!

To create a new Angular project, we use the ng new command:

ng new my-app  

This command will create a new Angular project for you once you’ve answered the following questions:

Example Output:

CREATE my-app/README.md (1027 bytes)
CREATE my-app/.editorconfig (246 bytes)
CREATE my-app/.gitignore (631 bytes)
CREATE my-app/angular.json (3593 bytes)
CREATE my-app/package.json (1290 bytes)
CREATE my-app/tsconfig.json (543 bytes)
CREATE my-app/tslint.json (1988 bytes)
CREATE my-app/browserslist (429 bytes)
CREATE my-app/karma.conf.js (1018 bytes)
CREATE my-app/tsconfig.app.json (270 bytes)
CREATE my-app/tsconfig.spec.json (270 bytes)
CREATE my-app/src/favicon.ico (948 bytes)
CREATE my-app/src/index.html (291 bytes)
CREATE my-app/src/main.ts (372 bytes)
CREATE my-app/src/polyfills.ts (2838 bytes)
CREATE my-app/src/styles.css (80 bytes)
CREATE my-app/src/test.ts (642 bytes)
CREATE my-app/src/assets/.gitkeep (0 bytes)
CREATE my-app/src/environments/environment.prod.ts (51 bytes)
CREATE my-app/src/environments/environment.ts (662 bytes)
CREATE my-app/src/app/app.module.ts (314 bytes)
CREATE my-app/src/app/app.component.css (0 bytes)
CREATE my-app/src/app/app.component.html (24263 bytes)
CREATE my-app/src/app/app.component.spec.ts (981 bytes)
CREATE my-app/src/app/app.component.ts (210 bytes)
CREATE my-app/e2e/protractor.conf.js (810 bytes)
    Successfully initialized git.

The ng new command has scaffolded a new Angular project with all the necessary files and installed all the dependencies needed for Angular development.

You can now cd into the my-app directory and launch your newly generated project in the browser by running the following command:

ng serve

Head over localhost:4200 in your favorite browser and you should see something like this:

CLI Serve

Congratulations! you’ve successfully developed your first Angular application. That’s all it takes to get started with the Angular CLI: two commands 😉.

This is cool, right? But in real life, you’re not building a “Hello World” application. In the remainder of this article, we will see how you would initialize a real world Angular application.

Getting Help From the CLI

Before we get started, I want to point out that you can pass some options to most of the Angular CLI commands. The most important option is --help to get some help for the CLI.

The --help option

To see detailed documentation for a specific CLI command, you can use the --help flag. Passing the --help flag to a given command will print out the description of that command, the arguments it takes, and all the different options it supports. Try passing the --help to the ng new command for instance:

ng new --help

The ng help command

Similarly, we have a command that lists all the available commands and their description:

ng help

Ng Help

As you can see, there are a lot of commands. Many of them take similar arguments and options because they accomplish similar tasks. So it’s not important that you remember them all. Instead, focus on the mental model of the Angular CLI and you will master the most important commands and options. This will help you understand why some Angular CLI commands work the way they do.

The Architecture of the Angular CLI

To understand the architecture of the Angular we can take a look at two core sets of problems it solves.

Set of Problems 1

How do we start a new Angular project? Do we start from scratch and manually create all the necessary files whenever we want to start a new project? Do we copy & paste from an existing project? Or do we clone a repo and then remove the code we don’t need and keep what we need?

ng new

There are a lot of concepts involved in a full-featured Angular application: modules, components, services, directives, pipes. Do you generate all that code by hand?

ng generate

What do you do when you want to add an external framework to your Angular application? You open the documentation of that framework and follow a long list of boring instructions? Tired of repeating the exact same steps for your multiple projects?

Many Angular libraries authors provides a way to set up their library by running a single command:

ng add

The Frontend landscape evolves very fast. So does Angular. How do you keep up with the fast release cadence of Angular?

ng update

All the above commands (ng new, ng generate, ng add, ng update) have something in common: they apply transformations to our code base either by producing new code or by modifying existing code. These commands are called Schematics Commands.

Set of Problems 2

Before we ship our code to production we need to make sure that it is free from defects by having a great test suite. For web applications we generally write unit tests and end-to-end tests. Testing by itself is hard. But you know what? The most difficult part of testing is the setup.

The Angular CLI got us covered with two commands for testing:

ng test # for unit tests
ng e2e # for end-to-end tests

How do you enforce that all developers in a project follow the team’s coding standards? Do you wait for the code review to discover these kind of problems? No you set up linting as part of your development process…

ng lint

While developing an application, we don’t want to deploy it to a production server every time we make a change because this is counterproductive. Instead what we want is to be able to run our code locally in the browser and see changes instantly.

ng serve

We write our Angular applications in TypeScript but the browsers only understand JavaScript. Therefore our code needs to be transpiled to JavaScript and bundled it into a format that the browser understand before our users can use our applications. But this is just the beginning: we care about our users, so we want to ship to them the smallest and most performant Angular applications by optimizing, minifying, tree-shaking our code.

ng build

Wanna deploy easily deploy your Angular applications to your preferred hosting platform? Once again the Angular CLI got you covered with:

ng deploy

All the above commands resolve around the development process (ng serve, ng test, ng e2e, ng lint), and the build and deployment process (ng build, ng deploy). They are called Architect Commands.

There are two other architect commands that we didn’t mention ng xi18n, and ng run. We will learn more about the ng run command in an upcoming article.

How the Angular CLI solves these core problems?

To solve these two core sets of problems, the Angular CLI uses two different tools under the hood. So you can think of the Angular CLI as a facade that uses:

Now that we understand the architecture of the Angular CLI, we can focus a little bit on the commands.

Scaffolding a New Angular Project with Routing and Sass—ng new

Let’s scaffold a new Angular project again! This time, we will enable routing and use a CSS preprocessor. You can use run ng new without any options and you’ll be prompted the same questions as before but we can avoid this extra step by passing options directly to the ng new command like this:

ng new --routing --style=scss ultimate-app

This tells the Angular CLI to use Sass, the most popular CSS preprocessor out there but you can select your preferred stylesheet format among css, sass, less, and stylus. This will also automatically set up routing in our Angular application.

--routing is equivalent to --routing=true. Similarly, you can use --no-routing for --routing=false. All options that take boolean values behave similarly.

Main ng new options

Serving your Angular application—ng serve

ng serve --open

The ng serve command will build your Angular app in memory and spin up a web server that runs your Angular application in development mode. Under the hood, the Angular CLI uses Webpack to compile your code, and the Webpack Dev Server as a web server with live reloading functionality which means that if you change any of your source files, your Angular application will automatically reload in the browser. With the --open flag, the CLI will automatically open localhost:4200 on your default browser once the compilation is done.

By default, your application is “served” on port 4200. But sometimes, you will want to run your application on another port—maybe you already have on running on port 4200. To achieve that, you use --port option like this:

ng serve --port=4300

Main ng serve options

Generating Some Boilerplate Code—ng generate

Once you’ve a skeleton of an application, you’ll want to add more features, hence more code to your project.

To do that, you use the ng generate command and you pass it the “schematic” you want to use for the code generation. Schematics are the blueprints used to generate code. There is schematic for pretty much every Angular concept like services, directives, pipes, and so on:

ng generate <schematic>

Let’s see some examples of the generate command in action!

Generating a lazy-loaded module:

ng generate module team --route=teams --module=app

Modules play a crucial role in an Angular application. The official style guide recommends to create one module for every cohesive block of functionality and the CLI makes it easy to do so. The above command will:

Generating a component:

ng generate component team/components/team-list --module=team --export

Generating a Service

ng generate service team/services/team

Linting and Testing Your Application—ng lint, ng test and ng e2e

ng test 

The test command will run all our unit tests with Karma in watch mode.

ng e2e

Run e2e tests with Protractor.

ng lint --fix

This command will lint our code. In addition, try to automatically fix any linting error thanks to the --fix flag.

Building—ng build

ng build

To build our Angular application we use the build command. This will generate the build artifacts in the dist/ultimate-app folder because our application is named ultimate-app. Here is the list of files it generated:

├── favicon.ico
├── index.html
├── main-es2015.js
├── main-es2015.js.map
├── main-es5.js
├── main-es5.js.map
├── polyfills-es2015.js
├── polyfills-es2015.js.map
├── polyfills-es5.js
├── polyfills-es5.js.map
├── runtime-es2015.js
├── runtime-es2015.js.map
├── runtime-es5.js
├── runtime-es5.js.map
├── styles-es2015.js
├── styles-es2015.js.map
├── styles-es5.js
├── styles-es5.js.map
├── vendor-es2015.js
├── vendor-es2015.js.map
├── vendor-es5.js
└── vendor-es5.js.map

The simple application weights around 15MB. Too big? This is because by default the Angular CLI builds our Angular application in development mode i.e., without any optimization. We can tell the Angular CLI to build our application in production mode by adding the --prod flag.

ng build —prod

This will generate a production build with many great optimizations like:

In this example we end up with an artifact size of approximately 764KB. It’s way better!

├── 3rdpartylicenses.txt
├── favicon.ico
├── index.html
├── main-es2015.dd07506e70c01d501d26.js
├── main-es5.dd07506e70c01d501d26.js
├── polyfills-es2015.015dc50b3fa948805c69.js
├── polyfills-es5.a47ef122593d5bf824ec.js
├── runtime-es2015.4d64995604cae804f2ff.js
├── runtime-es5.4d64995604cae804f2ff.js
└── styles.09e2c710755c8867a460.css


In this article, we’ve just scratched the surface of what is really possible to do with the Angular CLI. The Angular CLI is probably one of the most important tools in our possession as Angular developers and mastering it will make you more productive and help you build better Angular applications.

In upcoming blog posts, we will be diving more into the underlying tools that power the Angular CLI like workspaces, schematics, and architects. Stay tuned!

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Todd Motto

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