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Learn the smarter and faster way, with industry best-practices and real-world scenarios for you to become the ultimate RxJS developer.
Brought to you by Todd Motto, multi-award winner, world-wide conference speaker and workshop leader. Google Developer Expert
Todd brings unique enthusiasm, activity and expertise to the Angular community.![]()
Brad Green
Angular Product Manager, GoogleTodd's TypeScript and Angular courses are likely the best you'll ever find.![]()
John Oswalt
Technology Expert, WalmartI really wanted to learn about RxJS here because they have a very good reputation! It was a superb RxJS course and I am now super confident with Observables!![]()
Dorian Doussain
Web Developer, RocketFidI'm an Angular developer and use RxJS daily basis and learned a lot from this course. In-depth exploration of each operator with marble diagrams and extensive comparisons were superbly done.![]()
Chikako Wakishima
Senior Front-End Engineer, SEDCGreat RxJS course, very nice for those who wish to get a quick grasp of the logic and dive deeper into reactive programming.![]()
Maxim Dmitriev
Senior Analyst, Mail.Ru Group(Also available separately, if you like)
Everything you need to start mastering RxJS today
Built by Google Developer Experts, there's no better place to learn.
Design patterns, battle-tested techniques, architecture and performance.
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The only course that allowed me to fully grasp RxJS concepts! Amazing and now onto RxJS Masterclass.![]()
Mark Kwakwa
Software EngineerNice course with everything for a good start to master RxJS! Really learned a lot here and the course was very detailed and above expectation.![]()
Povilas Petkevicius
Software Engineer, ZenitechIf you want to learn RxJS for your professional career then you are in the right place. Very much worth the investment.![]()
Mohammad Abdul Aziz
JavaScript DeveloperAmazing. It really breaks RxJS down in an easy to understand format. I can't wait to start the masterclass course now!![]()
Giles Butler
Founder, Promo.aiAfter the RxJS courses I know much more than before about RxJS. I've learnt in a practical way how and when to use the powerful operators the library provides taking advantage from them in the daily work. Amazing!![]()
Attilio Urbani
Software Engineer, StampVery clear and concise tutorials. This really helped my understanding of various operators in the RxJS library.![]()
Robert Hanson