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Learn the smarter and faster way, with industry best-practices and real-world scenarios for you to become the ultimate HTML + CSS developer.
Brought to you by Todd Motto, multi-award winner, world-wide conference speaker and workshop leader. Google Developer Expert
Todd brings unique enthusiasm, activity and expertise to the Angular community.![]()
Brad Green
Angular Product Manager, GoogleTodd's TypeScript and Angular courses are likely the best you'll ever find.![]()
John Oswalt
Technology Expert, WalmartThe course is extremely well designed and arranged to relay each and every concept, coding skills and patterns required to develop advanced JavaScript applications.![]()
Vijay Chauhan
Full-Stack EngineerTodd was born with a gift for teaching. He condenses all his hard earned knowledge into a time-saving learning process. He genuinely wants you to learn, and that really makes all the difference.![]()
Sharon DiOrio
Software Engineer, DistroKidThe course was truly amazing. Every video is simple to understand and has subtitles. For a non-native English speaking person that’s a must in every course. Well done!![]()
Roy Shang
Developer(Also available separately, if you like)
Everything you need to start mastering HTML + CSS today
Built by Google Developer Experts, there's no better place to learn.
Design patterns, battle-tested techniques, architecture and performance.
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The way JavaScript should be taught from the start. I've watched it 3 times and learn more each time.![]()
Franco Zanki
JavaScript DeveloperTodd is clear, concise, and expert. The lessons are fast-paced and straight forward. My company bought these too, but this is where I spend my own money. Worth every cent!![]()
J. Braun
Angular Developer, Breeze AirwaysAbsolutely fantastic courses. Self-paced, comprehensive, real examples from beginning to end, clear and concisely brilliant.![]()
Jacob Cheriathundam
Development ArchitectGot accepted for my first dev job a week ago! Not sure I'd have made it without these courses. My chances would've been lots slimmer without Ultimate Courses!![]()
Mateusz Sapielak
Systems DeveloperTodd was born with a gift for teaching. He condenses all his hard earned knowledge into a time-saving learning process. He genuinely wants you to learn, and that really makes all the difference.![]()
Sharon DiOrio
Software Engineer, DistroKidWas the perfect JavaScript intro 7 months ago. Now with an dev internship under my belt, I revisited at 2x speed and filled in some gaps.![]()
Chris Archer
Developer Intern, Gemini Society