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Learn the smarter and faster way, with industry best-practices and real-world scenarios for you to become the ultimate React developer.
Brought to you by Todd Motto, multi-award winner, world-wide conference speaker and workshop leader. Google Developer Expert
A fast track to becoming a super solid React developer. Detailed, easy to understand, brilliant!![]()
Mag Leahy
JavaScript Engineer, ShellTodd's TypeScript and Angular courses are likely the best you'll ever find.![]()
John Oswalt
Technology Expert, WalmartLoved React Basics. The content is amazing, I learnt so much on this course, can't wait to go over the next React courses!![]()
Victor Hazbun
CEOBy far the best React introductory course out there, just brilliant. I've attempted many others before, but none were up-to-date and comprehensive like this.![]()
Onome Adamu
Software EngineerFantastic courses explained incredibly well. Very easy to follow and understand concepts. 10/10.![]()
Nicolas Telfer
Co-founder / Engineer(Also available separately, if you like)
Everything you need to start mastering React today
Built by Google Developer Experts, there's no better place to learn.
Design patterns, battle-tested techniques, architecture and performance.
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Crystal clearly explained concepts, meticulously designed examples and projects! Fantastically valuable courses overall!![]()
Yiling Lu
Senior DeveloperI attempted other courses before these, and Ultimate Courses is way ahead and incomparable. Clearest explanations, easy to understand, beyond basics, fantastic value for money.![]()
Fabrizio Masini
JavaScript DeveloperAbsolutely fantastic courses. Self-paced, comprehensive, real examples from beginning to end, clear and concisely brilliant.![]()
Jacob Cheriathundam
Development ArchitectGot accepted for my first dev job a week ago! Not sure I'd have made it without these courses. My chances would've been lots slimmer without Ultimate Courses!![]()
Mateusz Sapielak
Systems DeveloperAs a complete beginner, this course was perfect for me. I now feel super confident in my JavaScript skills. Thank you very much Todd, for this clear and comprehensive course.![]()
Nguyen Thanh Xuan
Software EngineerGreat quality course, simple and to the point practices on styling with React. Nicely done.![]()
Haifeng Zhang
Full-Stack Developer