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Learn the smarter and faster way, with industry best-practices and real-world scenarios for you to become the ultimate JavaScript developer.
Brought to you by Todd Motto, multi-award winner, world-wide conference speaker and workshop leader. Google Developer Expert
Very few teachers break down JavaScript development concepts into such a digestable way. You'll learn techniques that will be vital to your daily code.![]()
Chris Sevilleja
Senior Developer Advocate, DigitalOceanA must-have JavaScript series for those who take their skills seriously. Todd's way of teaching is concise, expert and easy to follow.![]()
Evan Chesterman
Front-End Developer, Delta AirlinesTodd is the master of JavaScript - as we all know! This course is so clear and well presented. I’ve learned so much from these lessons and will refer back to them forever.![]()
Elliott Porter
Full Stack Developer100/100! JavaScript Basics is INCREDIBLE! I was really stuck at trying to understand JS and so far I’m getting everything. Awesome course and awesome instructor! Thank you, I can’t wait to continue! #javascriptNinjaPath![]()
Ojjasvi Jain
Front-End DeveloperA must-have JavaScript series for those who take their skills seriously. Todd's way of teaching is concise, expert and easy to follow.![]()
Evan Chesterman
Front-End Developer, Delta Airlines(Also available separately, if you like)
Everything you need to start mastering JavaScript today
Built by Google Developer Experts, there's no better place to learn.
Design patterns, battle-tested techniques, architecture and performance.
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Nail that interview or promotion with skills that will set you apart.
Access full source code, and experiment live in the browser.
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This is the only course that did it for me. I've watched many videos and read many articles on JavaScript, but this course has the complete modern JavaScript ES6 package. Todd did a great job by simplifying the material.![]()
Adebola Adesina
JavaScript DeveloperThe course is extremely well designed and arranged to relay each and every concept, coding skills and patterns required to develop advanced JavaScript applications.![]()
Vijay Chauhan
Full-Stack EngineerAs a complete beginner, this course was perfect for me. I now feel super confident in my JavaScript skills. Thank you very much Todd, for this clear and comprehensive course.![]()
Nguyen Thanh Xuan
Software EngineerI have 30+ years as software programmer, and found JavaScript Basics very well explained and easy to follow alone.![]()
Hishmad Amudi
CTO, PT. Global Kreasi DanaThis felt like sitting in on a working JavaScript programmer as he was working through various parts of a program. For me, that really worked. Many of the concepts that seemed complex before became understandable.![]()
Bruce Peters
Owner and Developer, Just Loans Inc.An excellent dive into JavaScript DOM, yet another stellar course - thoughtfully presented. Five stars all the way.![]()
James Duffy
Full Stack Engineer