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Learn the smarter and faster way, with industry best-practices and real-world scenarios for you to become the ultimate TypeScript developer.
Brought to you by Todd Motto, multi-award winner, world-wide conference speaker and workshop leader. Google Developer Expert
An in-depth tour of beginner to advanced TypeScript practices that will set you up for a solid future of bulletproof code.![]()
Christoffer Noring
Lead Cloud Advocate, MicrosoftYou truly have a gift for teaching TypeScript. I've learned and understood so much in such a short amount of time, very impressive!![]()
Christian Eckenrode
Software Engineer, AmazonA true masterclass in TypeScript! I think the course is great, the concepts are introduced briefly and the examples are simple enough to follow.![]()
William Ennals
Full-Stack Engineer, LeidosAfter watching the TypeScript Basics and Masterclass course, I'm super confident in my knowledge. Todd helped making the strengths of TypeScript a lot clearer and showed best practices for writing flexible and better code.![]()
Phuoc Le
Full Stack DeveloperBrilliant TypeScript course. Clear, concise and spot on! I went through this course as a refresher. Absolutely loved it.![]()
Rishi Abeeluck
Software Engineer(Also available separately, if you like)
Everything you need to start mastering TypeScript today
Built by Google Developer Experts, there's no better place to learn.
Design patterns, battle-tested techniques, architecture and performance.
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TypeScript Basics class is awesome, I really enjoyed, it was nice and clear and I picked things up real fast.![]()
Sergio Flores Ledezma
Full Stack Developer, MonBuildingExcellent course. Todd presents the information extremely well and in a way that is easy to understand. This course will benefit anyone looking to understand Typescript better!![]()
Casey Colvell
Senior Software Engineer, ClearlinkI loved this course. Easy to follow and helped me get a better understanding of not just TypeScript, but also JavaScript as a language and why things work the way they do.![]()
Tyler Smith
JavaScript EngineerThis is a very well paced and explained course through the world of TypeScript! Great job and looking forward to more.![]()
Daniel Marbach
Software Engineer, ParticularExcellent introduction to TypeScript, very much enjoyed and learned so much. Full of great content and took away a lot of the confusion around TypeScript!![]()
Ivan Shupenya
Software Developer, CreatioSkip the docs, go here! This is a fantastic course to dip your toes in TypeScript. I feel like I understand the official documents better now that I am done with this course.![]()
Aishwarya Sharma
Application Developer, Accenture