Wouldn’t it be ideal to target any browser, mobile browser, mobile device, touch device, screen resolution, operating system and conditionally load assets or tweak your code based on any environments? In a perfect world, Conditionizr wouldn’t be needed, but it’s here to save your ass…
You can also write logic for different environments using callbacks and simple expressions, or even dynamically load polyfills to rid messy conditional statements. You can also add your own tests to target any other environments/devices you’re working on. Keep reading, and open your eyes to Conditionizr v4. It includes a full API rewrite, public API modules and is just 1kb in size (66% reduction). It ships with 5 incredibly fast APIs that make development life seamless.
Table of contents
Yes, in a perfect world feature detection, blah blah blah, wake up man…
Core and APIs
The Conditionizr core is made up of several public APIs.
The config API allows you to easily configure your conditional environments, once tests are added. You have a choice of loading conditional scripts, styles and class names per config test, as well as specifying an asset path to where your files are.

Free eBook
Directives, simple right? Wrong! On the outside they look simple, but even skilled Angular devs haven’t grasped every concept in this eBook.
Observables and Async Pipe
Identity Checking and Performance
Web Components <ng-template> syntax
<ng-container> and Observable Composition
Advanced Rendering Patterns
Setters and Getters for Styles and Class Bindings
assets: '/path/to/my/assets/',
tests: {
'safari': ['script', 'style', 'class']
This would then load browser specific tweaks, or you could use the global class override:
<html class="safari">
<script src="path/to/my/assets/js/safari.js"></script>
<link href="path/to/my/assets/css/safari.css" rel="stylesheet">
Custom tests can be bolted into the Conditionizr core and used with all the APIs, making your conditional coding seamless. Conditionizr will handle all the hard work for you, you just need to provide it a test that returns a boolean, true/false.
conditionizr.add('safari', [], function () {
return /constructor/i.test(window.HTMLElement);
Using .on() you can create custom callbacks for when conditional tests return true which are your best bet if you can avoid loading an external script and style, for instance if I’ve added a test for Safari, when a user is running Safari, your callback will run. This is preferred as it saves an HTTP request and improves performance.
conditionizr.on('safari', function () {
// safari
Conditionizr returns an object for you to also test environment states inside expressions.
if (conditionizr.safari) {
// safari
.polyfill() and .load()
Polyfill and load each allow you to inject custom assets based on a conditional test. All you need is the external URI, and your predefined conditional tests to declare.
conditionizr.polyfill('//html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js', ['ie6', 'ie7', 'ie8']);
Using the .load() API instead of .polyfill() is purely for naming conventions to differentiate between polyfills and generic assets.
conditionizr.load('//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/hammer.js/1.0.5/hammer.min.js', ['ios']);
Thank you for reading!