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NoFi, detecting no WiFi, callbacks for offline states with HTML5

An HTML5 API buried inside the navigator Object called onLine is where the inspiration for this little tool came from. NoFi detects no WiFi (yes, it also includes non-WiFi, your cables) and allows you to run custom callbacks when the offline event is fired.

The plugin’s only small but may well help with your website/application development.

HTML and setup

Just include the script inside your HTML, and initialise the NoFi .init() module. NoFi takes just three options when you pass in the object, the custom event name, the interval you want to check for lost internet connection and if you want NoFi to exit the function if connection is lost, otherwise the event will keep firing. If you want to keep firing you could keep exit set to false.

<script src="js/nofi.js"></script>
  eventName: 'offline',
  interval: 1000,
  exit: true


The HTML5 API is actually so simple to use standalone:

if (!navigator.onLine) {
  // You're offline, I think...

There is one issue with this, older browsers will also think they’re offline, so I’ve wrapped my script in a feature detect to test the presence of onLine inside the navigator Object, which means the browser supports the onLine API and is currently offline:

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if ('onLine' in navigator) {
  if (!navigator.onLine) {
    // You're REALLY offline

Recursive setTimeout()

Recursive functions are awesome, and so is a recursive setTimeout(). Stop using setInterval(), these are very bad and will keep setting an interval despite whether it’s finished its operations or not. Using a recursive setTimeout() means all the operations inside the timeout are finished as we recursive right at the bottom, it’s sexy:

if ('onLine' in navigator) {
  (function checkStatus() {
    setTimeout(function () {
      if (!navigator.onLine) {
        if (exit) {
      checkStatus(); // recurse
    }, 10000);

Full script

Putting an IIFE wrapper around the script to top off the recursive HTML5-ness:

window.NoFi = (function (window, document, undefined) {

  'use strict';

  var emitEvent = function (name) {

    var event = document.createEvent('Event');
    event.initEvent(name, true, true);


  var init = function (obj) {

    var options = obj || {};
    var interval = options.interval || 10000;
    var eventName = options.eventName || 'offline';
    var exit = options.exit || false;

    if ('onLine' in navigator) {
      (function checkStatus() {
        setTimeout(function () {
          if (!navigator.onLine) {
            if (exit) {
        }, interval);


  return {
    init: init

})(window, document);

Disclaimer: HTML5 implementations

The navigator.onLine has had some bad press as vendors can’t decide on best implementation, some results are a little flakey, but this is an HTML5 API and I’m going to use it, don’t hate the player and all that…

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