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The Ultimate Guide to Web Components

Welcome to The Ultimate Guide to Web Components blog series! We’re going to discuss the state of Web Components, help unravel best practices, reveal hidden tips and tricks and make sure that you get a real grasp on the workings of Web Components.

Web Components were officially introduced by Alex Russell at Fronteers Conference 2011 and Google began standardizing it in 2013. Today the technology has gained solid momentum with 10% of all page loads in Chrome consisting of webpages built with Web Components. Besides that, the big JavaScript frameworks are investigating ways to integrate Web Components, which opens up many avenues for code sharing and cross-framework compatibility. Web Components will grow even more popular in the not too distant future - that’s why it’s good to learn more about this amazing technology today! So here we are.

This blog post is an introduction into Web Components and after reading it you’ll be primed with new knowledge:

What are Web Components?

Before we dive in too much, let’s take a step back and consider the simpler question. What are Web Components?

Web Components are a set of different technologies that allow you to build reusable, encapsulated and interoperable HTML elements, that can be used in web applications. Features, built on the Web Component standards, can be used with (or without) any JavaScript library or framework (i.e. Angular, React and Vue) and will work across all modern browsers.

Web Components are based on four core technologies:

  1. Custom Elements;
  2. HTML Templates;
  3. Shadow DOM;
  4. ES Modules.

Let’s take a closer look at these technologies one-by-one.

1. Custom Elements

Custom Elements are a set of APIs that provide a way for developers to extend HTML elements, build new ones and define their behavior. Because Custom Elements are based on existing web standards, defined by the W3C consortium, they can be reused in very different contexts. This makes it easier to build applications in a modular way! It also leads to increased readability, maintainability and interoperability of code. Custom Elements are the building blocks of Web Components.

2. HTML Templates

HTML Templates are a way to declare code fragments that aren’t rendered at page load, but can be cloned and inserted in the document during runtime using JavaScript. We’ve all written HTML before, so now you think componentize your HTML by dropping it into a template - we now have first-class browser support for this which is a fantastic addition to the web platform. It also doesn’t matter how many times we might use that element and template, it is cloned in the browser and only parsed once - giving us a nice performance boost.

Web Components expose a <template> element, which can be used like this to wrap our actual template code:

  <h1>The ultimate guide to Web Components!</h1>
  <p>What do you want to learn about Web Components today?</p>

During rendering, a template doesn’t represent anything. As a matter of fact: The contents aren’t even children of the element! Instead, it’s stored in a DocumentFragment without browsing context (an environment where objects are presented to the user) to prevent it from interfering with the rest of the application. This means that your templates will only be rendered when requested.

3. Shadow DOM

First an award for the coolest sounding API, Shadow DOM is a web standard that allows you to encapsulate style and markup in a scoped DOM subtree that can be linked to any HTML element. A scoped DOM subtree encapsulated in a Web Component is called a Shadow Tree and a component to which this tree is linked is called the Shadow Host. Although HTML and CSS are encapsulated, it’s still possible for an element to emit events that can be captured by other parts of an application. Besides that, the Shadow DOM ensures that a component will work in any environment, even if other CSS or JavaScript is at play on the page. We’ll be exploring these in more detail as we continue through this post and the series! You can also adjust your Developer Tools settings to view Shadow DOM and more whilst inspecting elements.

4. ES Modules

Modules are a way to bundle a collection of small, independent functionalities into a library and import them into other JavaScript files. About every programming language has a standard implementation, except JavaScript (and that probably didn’t come as a surprise). There were solutions like CommonJS or AMD, but there was no standard solution available - until recent!

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This changed with the introduction of ES Modules in ES2015 (ES6), which finally made a standard available for working with modules. The API provides a syntax that makes it possible to export a class, function, or any variable binding or declaration. You just have to use the export prefix and you’re set!


//export a class
export class Animal {
  constructor(name, species) {
    this.name = name;
    this.species = species;

  greet() {
    return `Hello, my name is ${this.name}!`;

// export a function
export function greet(name){
  return `Hello, my name is ${name}!`;

You can then import the exported functionality into your application with the import keyword and use it right away.


// import a class
import { Animal } from './lib-class-example.js';

const animal = new Animal('Mr. Mittens', 'cat');
const name = animal.greet(); 
// --> Hello, my name is Mr. Mittens!;

// import a function
import {greet} from './lib-function-example.js'

const greeting = greet('Mr. Mittens');
// --> Hello, my name is Mr. Mittens!;

Why Web Components?

We, as software developers, tend to write code for computers, while the most important thing is that we write understandable code for humans. Of course, we have the responsibility to write understandable code, but HTML is here to blame as well, because it hasn’t kept up with the demand for the ability to build complex web applications.

With the introduction of Web Components, this is slowly but surely changing, which results in the HTML standard being raised to a higher level. They offer many benefits, like reusability, readability, maintainability, consistency and interoperability and thus form an indispensable toolset for developers.

Let take a closer look at those benefits.


You don’t have to be a developer to understand and appreciate the benefits of the “Don’t repeat yourself” (DRY) principle. People apply this idea all the time to stay sane and to simplify their daily lives. It’s not hard to see the direct benefits of not repeating yourself in our daily lives, but it’s harder to notice them when writing code - even though it’s a crucial part of development.

Writing code with the DRY principle in mind ensures that an application stays easy to understand, reusable and maintainable and with Web Components this becomes easier than ever. In the past this was a tedious task, because encapsulating code with minimal dependencies and a clear API was very hard to accomplish. JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React and Vue all tried to solve this by providing their own engines, but there is no easy way to bring them together.

Web Components are, by definition, encapsulated with minimal dependencies and provide a clear API. This makes them extremely reusable and, as developers this boosts our productivity.


As we stated above, writing code with the DRY principle in mind ensures that an application stays easy to understand and code readability is key to that. Consider the following example of a card component:

<div class="card">
  <div class="card-header">
    <h3 class="card-header__title">Header title</h3>
    <h4 class="card-header__subtitle">Header subtitle</h4>
  <div class="card-body">
    <h3 class="card-body__title">Body title</h3>
    <div class="card-body__content">Lorem ipsum...</div>
  <div class="card-footer">
    <div class="card-footer__content">...dolor sit amet</div>
    <button class="card-footer__confirm-button">confirm</button>
    <button class="card-footer__cancel-button">cancel</button>

It can become quite complex and unclear pretty fast. Especially if the body contains large amounts of text or an HTML structure of its own. Let’s take a look at the same example, but envision how we might build it out with Web Components:

<card-component is-confirmable is-cancelable>
  <card-header title="Header title" subtitle="Header subtitle"></card header>
  <card-body title="Body title">Lorum ipsum...</card-body>
  <card-footer>...dolor sit amet</card-footer>

It’s far cleaner and much easier for humans to read and understand, because the semantics have improved enormously and all the HTML is encapsulated in the component.


Thanks to the encapsulating nature of Web Components, applications become more readable and features become reusable, which results into less application code that’s easier to debug and to maintain. Things are compartmentalized and can be individually tested, written and then brought together as a whole to compose an application. No more 1000 line files of code.


JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React and Vue are great! They take huge amounts of work out of developers hands by providing scaffolding, best practices and guidelines, but aren’t very interoperable (they don’t really communicate to each other very well). This is because they all use their own component models and solutions to solve web development challenges. Slowly, but surely, they’re introducing more framework agnostic solutions (i.e. Angular Elements) - but it’s far from ideal and still contains a lot of overhead code.

Web Components are based on natively supported web standards and therefore should work in every JavaScript application, thus making it extremely interoperable and this is great news for developers. It means that you never have to build the same functionality for different frameworks anymore. You Only Have To Build It Once (YOHTBIO, yeah I am not sure if that’s a real acronym) and you’re able to reuse it in any JavaScript application, which becomes more readable, maintainable and usable. Cross-platform communication can only be a great thing - especially with distributed and larger development teams that may be mixing or adopting different frameworks per project. A single core UI suite could be built and then integrated to the frameworks - a big green tick for the web.


Great applications are consistent and allow users to perform a task in the most convenient and straight-forward way possible, terrible ones aren’t consistent and fail to support users. Inconsistent applications can frustrate people and push them away, while consistent ones attract people. In other words: Consistency can make or break an application.

Now consider an application platform, consisting out of several applications that’s maintained by three development teams. Each team has its own way of working and uses different tech stacks. The first team might use Angular, the second React and the third vanilla JavaScript. They’re all aware of the importance of consistency, but, because of the differences between them, fail to apply it. So, how to solve this?

Thanks to the reusable and interoperable nature of Web Components teams don’t have to build the same components in different frameworks anymore. YOHTBIO. This not only improves the consistency of components, it also reduces application size and improves maintainability.

How to create a Web Component

At this point, we now know what Web Components are, why they’re a great benefit to the web and on which web standards they’re based, it’s time to teach you to write your first Web Component. But before we dive in, there are a three rules that we need to follow:

  1. You can’t register the same Custom Element tag more than once.
  2. Web Components cannot be self closing, because the HTML standard only allows this for certain elements. The elements for which this is permitted are: area, base, br, col, embed, hr, img, input, link, meta, param, source, track, wbr.
  3. The name of a Web Component needs to contain a dash (-). This naming convention is put into place to enable the HTML parser to distinguish custom from regular elements and also avoid creating your own components that could be added as part of future HTML standards. <mycard></mycard>, <card></card> or <CardComponent></CardComponent> are all invalid names, while <my-card></my-card> is allowed.

Now that we know the rules of the game, let’s start building! There are two ways of creating Web Components:

  1. Autonomous custom elements: a completely new and unique HTML tag where all behaviour needs to be defined by the creator.
  2. Defining customized built-in elements: extends an existing HTML element (i.e. <button> or <a>) and inherits all of the element’s features.

Creating an autonomous custom element

Creating Web Components requires the power of JavaScript and the basic approach looks a bit like this:

Example: Build an awesome card component <awesome-card> - Create and Register

// Create an ES6 class which extends HTMLElement
class AwesomeCardComponent extends HTMLElement {
  // This is where the component's API lives

// Register our awesome card component to the Custom Elements Registry
customElements.define('awesome-card', AwesomeCardComponent);

// Example usage in your app:

We now have our basic Web Component in place, but it doesn’t do anything special. Let’s expand our API to detect a greeting attribute and attach its contents to the component’s innerHTML.

Example: Build an awesome card component <awesome-card> - Extend the component’s API

// Create an ES6 class which extends HTMLElement
class AwesomeCardComponent extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    this.innerHTML = this.greeting;
  get greeting() {
    return this.getAttribute('greeting');
  set greeting(val) {
    if (val) {
      this.setAttribute('greeting', val);
    } else {

// Register our awesome card component to the Custom Elements Registry
customElements.define('awesome-card', AwesomeCardComponent);

// Example usage in your app:
<awesome-card greeting="Hello world!"></awesome-card>

If you take a closer look at the examples, you might have noticed the following:

How to use the Shadow DOM and HTML Templates will be covered in other articles within this series.

Customizing built-in elements

NOTE: Only Chrome v67 and up supports customized built-in elements!

The second method of creating Web Components is to extend existing HTML elements. Let’s create an <awesome-button> component that extends the HTML native <button> element.

Example: Build an awesome button component <awesome-button> - Extend and Register

class AwesomeButtonComponent extends HTMLButtonElement {
  // This is where the component's API lives
customElements.define('awesome-button', AwesomeButtonComponent, {extends: 'button'});

And there we go. We’ve successfully extended the native button element in our own awesome button component and by doing this we don’t have to worry about having to implement native properties, methods and listeners. We can put complete focus extending functionalities instead of reinventing the wheel, enabling us to uncover the true potential of Web Components.

In the next example we’re going to extend the API to make the user aware that it actually has clicked on the component by showing an alert message.

Example: Build an awesome button component <awesome-button> - Extend the component’s API

class AwesomeButtonComponent extends HTMLButtonElement {
  constructor() {
    this.addEventListener('click', () => {
     alert('Great job!');
customElements.define('awesome-button', AwesomeButtonComponent, {extends: 'button'});

If you take a closer look at the examples, you might have noticed the following:

Web Components Browser Support

Evergreen browsers (Chrome, Firefox and Safari) are currently supporting Custom Elements V1 and Shadow DOM V1 and Edge is currently working on support. HTML Elements and ES Modules are natively supported by them already. In the meantime there’s a set of polyfills available that simulate the missing browser functionalities and which allow you to use Web Components in all evergreen browsers and even Internet Explorer 11.

I’ve included a screenshot below from WebComponents.org that shows the current browser support - a really nice community guide worth checking out and adding to your Bookmarks:


Closing thoughts

Web Components are a set of different technologies that allow you to build reusable, encapsulated and interoperable HTML elements that can be used in any JavaScript application. They offer great benefits by improving the reusability, readability, maintainability, interoperability and consistency of applications and save developers enormous amounts of time and frustration.

You can create Web Components by creating elements from scratch or to extend existing native HTML Elements and the way to do it is quite straight-forward, but you have to keep a few rules in mind.

Not all browsers support them yet, but probably will in the years to come. In the meantime you can use polyfills to simulate the missing browser functionalities.

The Web Components standards are very promising, exciting and here to stay and my expectation is that they become mainstream in the not too distant future.

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