Communication between Directives can be done in various ways. When dealing with Directives that have a hierarchical relationship we can use Directive Controllers to talk between them.
In this article we’ll build a tabs
Directive that uses another Directive to add the tabs, using the require
property of a Directive’s definition Object.
Table of contents
First let’s define the HTML:
<tab label="Tab 1">
Tab 1 contents!
<tab label="Tab 2">
Tab 2 contents!
<tab label="Tab 3">
Tab 3 contents!
We can assume at this point we need two Directives, tabs
and tab
. Let’s setup the base for tabs
function tabs() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {},
transclude: true,
controller: function () {
this.tabs = [];
controllerAs: 'tabs',
template: `
<div class="tabs">
<ul class="tabs__list"></ul>
<div class="tabs__content" ng-transclude></div>
.module('app', [])
.directive('tabs', tabs);
For this tabs
Directive, we’re going to use transclusion to pass each tab
through and manage each tab

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Directives, simple right? Wrong! On the outside they look simple, but even skilled Angular devs haven’t grasped every concept in this eBook.
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Web Components <ng-template> syntax
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Setters and Getters for Styles and Class Bindings
Inside the tabs
Controller, we’ll need a function to add a new tab, so that our tabs are dynamically added to the parent/host Directive:
function tabs() {
return {
controller: function () {
this.tabs = [];
this.addTab = function addTab(tab) {
.module('app', [])
.directive('tabs', tabs);
The Controller now has an addTab
method bound. But how do we add a tab? We need to get started with adding the child tab
Directive, and require its Controller functionality:
function tab() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
label: '@'
require: '^tabs',
transclude: true,
template: `
<div class="tabs__content" ng-if="tab.selected">
<div ng-transclude></div>
link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
.module('app', [])
.directive('tab', tab)
.directive('tabs', tabs);
We’ve successfully used require: '^tabs'
to include the parent tabs
Directive’s Controller, so we now have access to its functionality through the link
function. Now we need to inject a fourth argument, $ctrl
, to get our Controller reference:
function tab() {
return {
link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $ctrl) {
If we were to console.log($ctrl);
we would see an Object similar to:
tabs: Array,
addTab: function addTab(tab)
Let’s utilise the addTab
function and pass the newly created tab’s information back up the Directive into the parent Directive’s Controller:
function tab() {
return {
link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $ctrl) {
$ = {
label: $scope.label,
selected: false
Now, each time a new tab
Directive is used, this $ctrl.addTab
function is called and pushed into the this.tabs
Array inside the tabs
With three tabs our $ctrl.addTab
function will be called three times, and the Array will contain three items. We can then use the Array to iterate over the tab titles and add clickable behaviour to select the correct tab when each title is clicked:
function tabs() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {},
transclude: true,
controller: function () {
this.tabs = [];
this.addTab = function addTab(tab) {
this.selectTab = function selectTab(index) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.tabs.length; i++) {
this.tabs[i].selected = false;
this.tabs[index].selected = true;
controllerAs: 'tabs',
template: `
<div class="tabs">
<ul class="tabs__list">
<li ng-repeat="tab in tabs.tabs">
<a href="" ng-bind="tab.label" ng-click="tabs.selectTab($index);"></a>
<div class="tabs__content" ng-transclude></div>
You’ll now notice selectTab
has been added to the tabs
Controller. This allows us specify a tab’s index, which will then reveal that tab’s content. For instance this.selectTab(0);
will set the first tab’s content to be displayed, as we’re using Array indexes to manage our logic.
Due to the Angular’s compiling procedure, the controller
is instantiated first, then the link
function once the Directive has been compiled and linked, which means to set an initial tab’s visibility we need to inject our Directive’s Controller using $ctrl
and call the method there:
function tabs() {
return {
link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $ctrl) {
// set the first tab to show first
However, we might want to be more clever and allow an attribute to set the initial tab, giving the developer more flexibility:
<tabs active="2">
This would set the tab at Array index 2
(so the third element in the Array). We can utilise $attrs
in the link
function to obtain the attribute’s presence, and set the index that way, or if the $
doesn’t exist or is falsy (0
evaluates to false
so it’ll fall back to 0
anyway), it’ll fall back to setting the initial tab’s index.
function tabs() {
return {
link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $ctrl) {
// set the active tab, or the first tab
$ctrl.selectTab($ || 0);
And of course, the live demonstration of using require
to pass new tab
information back up into the parent Directive: