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Exploring Angular Lifecycle Hooks - OnDestroy

Welcome to our new blog series, Exploring Angular Lifecycle Hooks! There’s going to be nothing quite like this available on the web, as we will be promoting best practices, revealing hidden tips and tricks, and getting a real grasp on how and when these hooks are called.

Before we dive into the first installment of the series, let’s review briefly all of the available lifecycle hooks and where they can be used.

Available Lifecycle Hooks covered in this series:

Lifecycle Hooks Can Be Used On:

Here is a component with all eight (8) hooks implemented:

import {
} from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-home',
  templateUrl: './home.component.html'
export class HomeComponent
    OnDestroy {
  ngOnChanges() {}

  ngOnInit() {}

  ngDoCheck() {}

  ngAfterContentInit() {}

  ngAfterContentChecked() {}

  ngAfterViewInit() {}

  ngAfterViewChecked() {}

  ngOnDestroy() {}

Let’s kick the series off with one of the most misunderstood hooks—ngOnDestroy—and answer those questions you’re dying to ask.

OnDestroy’s primary purpose, according to the Angular Docs is to perform “Cleanup just before Angular destroys the directive/component. Unsubscribe Observables and detach event handlers to avoid memory leaks. Called just before Angular destroys the directive/component.”

If you’re like me, you had a few questions after reading the docs. Clean up what? Avoid memory leaks? Hey—that’s not very specific, it sounds like we need to uncover this a bit more. So here we go!

In this article, we will review how to implement OnDestroy, common use cases for OnDestroy, and wrap-up with a bonus enhancement to OnDestroy that will allow it to be executed with browser events.

A Brief Overview

OnDestroy is an Angular lifecycle method, that can hooked into on components and directives in Angular. By defining a specific method named ngOnDestroy on our class, we are telling the Angular runtime, that it should call our method at the appropriate time. This is a powerful and declarative way to add specific cleanup logic to the end of our class lifecycle.

Implementing OnDestroy

As with other Angular lifecycle methods, adding the actual hook for OnDestroy is relatively simple.

Add OnDestroy after the implements keyword

The first step to implementing OnDestroy is to add OnDestroy after the implements keyword on a component or directive.

Here’s a typical component without any lifecycle hooks:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

export class MyValueComponent {}

Our first change is to import OnDestroy from Angular’s core and then create a contract with implements OnDestroy:

Fun Fact Time: Technically it’s not required to implement the interface, Angular will call ngOnDestroy regardless, however, it’s very helpful for type-checking, and to allow other developers to quickly identify which lifecycle hooks are in use on this class.

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import { Component, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';

export class MyValueComponent implements OnDestroy {}

Add the ngOnDestroy method to our class

Now that we have added the OnDestroy after implements the TypeScript intellisense will underline the class declaration in red, giving a warning that ngOnDestroy was not found. Let’s fix that by creating our new ngOnDestroy method.

Example Component Before:

import { Component, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';

export class MyValueComponent implements OnDestroy {}

Example Component After:

import { Component, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';

export class MyValueComponent implements OnDestroy {
  ngOnDestroy() {
    // cleanup logic goes here

You’ll also note that this lifecycle hook takes no arguments, unlike some of the others we’ll be covering in later articles.

Common Use Cases

As you can see, implementing OnDestroy is fairly straightforward. Now, let’s explore some common use cases for OnDestroy. At the beginning of the article, we mentioned that Angular recommends the following: “Cleanup just before Angular destroys the directive/component. Unsubscribe Observables and detach event handlers to avoid memory leaks. Called just before Angular destroys the directive/component.” Let’s explore this further.

Avoiding Memory Leaks with OnDestroy

We want to avoid memory leaks, but what are they? According to Google’s definition, a memory leak is “a failure in a program to release discarded memory, causing impaired performance or failure.” Memory leaks are typically created from not understanding how things work and wreak havoc on app performance. Let’s explore an example of one such memory leak - so you’re primed to tackle your OnDestroy logic in future!

A Leaky ShowUserComponent

Let’s imagine a scenario wherein we have a component that has one button. When we click the button a call is made to a method on a AuthService that returns an Observable containing the name of the logged in user. The button click event subscribes to this Observable and displays a window alert with the username.

Here’s how the component might look before implementing OnDestroy:


import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { AuthService } from './auth.service';

export class ShowUserComponent {
  constructor(private authService: AuthService) {}

  showLoggedInUser() {
      .subscribe(username => window.alert(`You are logged in as ${username}!`));


<button (click)="showLoggedInUser()">Show Logged In User</button>

At first glance, you might say, “This component looks great, it subscribes to the service and shows an alert on click”. You’d be correct, but what do you think would happen if this ShowUserComponent was used in the AppComponent and displayed with an *ngIf conditionally. Perhaps a scenario exists where the ShowUserComponent is destroyed and then displayed again.

Well, I can tell you what would happen, some really odd, strange behavior. If the component was instantiated, the user clicked the button and alert displayed, then one subscription would be created. Then let’s say, the component was re-created and the user clicked the button again, how times would the alert display? Two times, at least! This is because a second subscription would be created and then fired when the button is clicked.

This is creating the “memory leak” and could quickly get out of hand, with our alert being shown exponentially (just imagine the impact across an entire codebase without cleaning things up properly!). Let’s read on to learn how to plug this memory leak using OnDestroy.

Fixing the Leak on ShowUserComponent

To fix the memory leak we need to augment the component class with an implementation of OnDestroy and unsubscribe from the subscription. Let’s update our component adding the following:

Best Practice: Notice that we are checking if this.myUserSub is “truthy” before attempting to call unsubscribe. This avoids a potential situation wherein the subscription may have never been created, thus preventing a ghastly unsubscribe is not a function error message.

The updated component will look something like this:

import { Component, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { AuthService } from './auth.service';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';

export class ShowUserComponent implements OnDestroy {
  myUserSub: Subscription;

  constructor(private authService: AuthService) {}

  showLoggedInUser() {
    this.myUserSub = this.authService
      .subscribe(username => window.alert(`You are logged in as ${username}!`));

  ngOnDestroy() {
    if (this.myUserSub) {

Now we can ensure that our alert will only ever be displayed once per button click.

Great! Now we have some background on ngOnDestroy and how cleaning up memory leaks is the primary use case for this lifecycle method.

Additional Cleanup Logic

Exploring further, we find more examples of use cases for ngOnDestroy including making server-side cleanup calls, and preventing user navigation away from our component. Let’s explore these additional scenarios, and how we can enhance ngOnDestroy to meet our needs.

Making NgOnDestroy Async

As with other lifecycle methods in Angular, we can modify ngOnDestroy with async. This will allow us to make calls to methods returning a Promise. This can be a powerful way to manage cleanup activities in our application. As we read on we will explore an example of this.

Adding logic to call AuthService.logout from ngOnDestroy

Let’s pretend that we need to perform a server-side user logout when ShowUserComponent is destroyed. To do so we would update the method as follows:

Our updated ShowUserComponent will look something like this:

import { Component, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { AuthService } from './auth.service';

export class ShowUserComponent implements OnDestroy {
  myUserSub: Subscription;

  constructor(private authService: AuthService) {}

  showLoggedInUser() {
    this.myUserSub = this.authService
      .subscribe(username => window.alert(`You are logged in as ${username}!`));

  async ngOnDestroy() {
    if (this.myUserSub) {
    await this.authService.logout();

Tada! Now when the component is destroyed an async call will be made to logout the user and destroy their session on the server.

Unsubscribe versus takeUntil

As an alternative to manually calling unsubscribe you could take things a step further and make use of the takeUntil RxJS operator to “short-circuit” the subscription when a value is emitted.

Confused? Well imagine this…

The finished component will look something like this:

import { Component, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { AuthService } from './auth.service';
import { ReplaySubject } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';

export class ShowUserComponent implements OnDestroy {
  private destroyed$: ReplaySubject<boolean> = new ReplaySubject(1);

  constructor(private authService: AuthService) {}

  showLoggedInUser() {
    this.myUserSub = this.authService
      .subscribe(username => window.alert(`You are logged in as ${username}!`));

  async ngOnDestroy() {
    await this.authService.logout();

With this new method in place, we no longer need to keep track of each subscription, check for truthy and call unsubscribe. The real power of this comes into play, when we have multiple subscriptions that need to be unsubscribed from. At that point, we would just add the takeUntil to each subscription, and then leave our updated ngOnDestroy to emit the destroyed$ true value to all the subscriptions.

Advanced ngOnDestroy, Browser Events

Ensure Execution During Browser Events

Many developers are surprised to learn that ngOnDestroy is only fired when the class which it has been implemented on is destroyed within the context of a running browser session.

In other words, ngOnDestroy is not reliably called in the following scenarios:

This could be a deal-breaker when thinking about the prior example of logging the user out on destroy. Why? Well, most users would simply close the browser session or navigate to another site. So how do we make sure to capture or hook into that activity if ngOnDestroy doesn’t work in those scenarios?

Decorating ngOnDestroy with HostListener

TypeScript decorators are used throughout Angular applications. More information can be found here in the official TypeScript docs.

To ensure that our ngOnDestroy is executed in the above mentioned browser events, we can add one simple line of code to the top of ngOnDestroy. Let’s continue with our previous example of ShowUserComponent and decorate ngOnDestroy:

Our updated ShowUserComponent will look something like this:

import { Component, OnDestroy, HostListener } from '@angular/core';
import { AuthService } from './auth.service';

export class ShowUserComponent implements OnDestroy {
  myUserSub: Subscription;

  constructor(private authService: AuthService) {}

  showLoggedInUser() {
    this.myUserSub = this.authService
      .subscribe(username => window.alert(`You are logged in as ${username}!`));

  async ngOnDestroy() {
    if (this.myUserSub) {
    await this.authService.logout();

Now our ngOnDestroy method is called both when the component is destroyed by Angular AND when the browser event window:beforeunload is fired. This is a powerful combination!

More about HostListener

For a deep dive on Angular decorators checkout out our in-depth writeup!

@HostListener() is an Angular decorator that can be placed on top of any class method. This decorator takes two arguments: eventName and optionally args. In the above example, we are passing window:beforeunload as the DOM event. This means that Angular will automatically call our method when the DOM event window:beforeunload is fired. For more information on @HostListener check out the official docs.

If we want to use this to prevent navigation away from a page or component then:

An example would look something like this:

@HostListener('window:beforeunload', ['$event'])
async ngOnDestroy($event) {
  if (this.myValueSub) {

  await this.authService.logout();

  $event.returnValue = 'Are you sure you wanna close the page yo?.';

PLEASE NOTE: This is not officially supported by Angular! OnDestroy and ngOnDestroy suggest that there is no input argument on ngOnDestroy allowed. While unsupported, it does in fact still function as normal.

More about window:beforeunload

window:beforeunload is an event fired right before the window is unloaded. More details can be found in the MDN docs.

A couple points to be aware of:


That brings us to the end of the article, hopefully you have been able to glean some good advice on why and how to use OnDestroy logic in your applications. I will leave you with a couple best practices that should be adopted:

To learn more techniques, best practices and real-world expert knowledge I’d highly recommend checking out my Angular courses - they will guide you through your journey to mastering Angular to the fullest!

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Todd Motto

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